Taste of Africa coffee - Freshly Ground arabica

Ingredients: 100 % medium roasted arabica coffee beans, no additives or flavourants. Net weight 250 g. Please recycle this bag as
plastic. This blend comes as a ground coffee for ordinary coffee machines and plungers, as well as bean coffee for your own grinders.

Ingredients: 100% dark roasted arabica coffee beans, no additives or flavourants. Net weight 250 g. Please recycle this bag as plastic. This blend comes as a ground coffee for ordinary coffee machines and plungers, as well as bean coffee for your own grinders.
What coffee personality are you? Do you prefer a full-bodied dark roast? Or perhaps, you want a smooth medium with lingering aftertaste? Maybe your choice depends on the time of day! We assure you that both these blends are the luxury choice to spoil yourself with! They are becoming increasingly popular year after year, and quite recently, we added packages of whole bean coffee to our selection. At the Taste of Africa Baobab Café, we always serve large plungers filled with double refill or sometimes even triple refill cups of coffee. Your milk comes in a separate little jug, made to your order either cold or warm. We invite you to enjoy this coffee in the tranquility of our garden. Warm welcome!

Meet our own coffee brand, Taste of Africa Freshly Ground dark or medium arabica! Carefully selected and completely without additives. Exclusively roasted & packed for us! The secret is that it’s the same wonderful coffee as the Rewenzori you’ve enjoyed so many times before, except now in our own 250 g packages.
This richly aromatic coffee is made from the finest arabica beans (from the coffee plant Coffea arabica) grown and harvested at hundreds of small farms in Africa. It has been roasted and packaged to the highest standards. The result is a medium or dark roast full-bodied coffee that leaves a lingering smoothness on your tongue. It is the coffee to spoil yourself with!
Taste of Africa Freshly Ground dark or medium arabica is freshly roasted, in fact it’s still steaming hot, when packaged into airtight bags of 250 g. Squeeze the bag for the one-way seal to release its’ wonderful aroma! It brews excellently in a plunger or in an ordinary coffee maker.
We give something back to Africa

This has happened…
Since we first visited the pre-school in 2006, the outside environment really has improved. They have built a new jungle gym, planted trees and laid out small paths. Every day, teachers and children work together in their new vegetable garden, and the children eat their own veggies. In October 2007 we bought building material for an office for the teachers.
There’s a building next to Funimfundo that is now used as a pre-school for very young children ( 0-3 years). These children now have an attractive and safe yard with a fence and toys where they can play.

In March 2011 the school got a new spacious classroom and three new toilets. We helped to buy building material for the ceiling and paint for the floor in the new classroom. Many of the parents helped to paint the walls inside.

We visited the school in February 2014 and bought material for their arts classes, such as powder paint, paintbrushes and drawing paper.
In the last years…
Our stays in South Africa have lately been way too short! Unfortunately, there's not enough time to actively follow the Funimfundo schools' progress while we are there. Instead, we really enjoy following them on Facebook, and give monetary contributions from our coffee sales to the Funimfundo school. The school is now selling home grown vegetables in boxes to raise funds. In fact, some of our Swedish customers have generously donated to the school's activity, and development. This is fantastic and so rewarding! For an update of the Funimfundo school in Stanford, Western Cape, please look at their Facebook account at https://www.facebook.com/food4thoughtstanford. There, you will find a large number of healthy looking, happy children, and follow their adventures in their classrooms and around the school yard. This school has really developed into a successful, encouraging place for many young children in the village.
Over the last two years, since the outbreak of Covid, Stanford residents have been showing tremendous initiatives towards these children, and their families. In an uplifting soup kitchen initiative, hundreds of meals were served daily to families that suffered from unemployment due to the complete lockdown of the society. There are truly many heartwarming stories.
Our hearts are still in the right place, and for each packet of coffee sold we give one rand to a pre-school in a township in South Africa. It’s the same school that we have told you about before…but first a quick glance over the shoulder….
Previously in this space we told about a social development project that was called ’Give Africa Trade not Aid’ coming from an initiative of a Ugandan businessman. His philosophy was to give the people in Uganda employment, education, and health care by selling coffee from the Rwenzori mountains and plough back 50% of its returns into the villages that grow the coffee. This sounds like an extraordinarily good and generous idea! Perhaps even too good to be carried out in reality. Today 2014, the Rwenzori Coffee Company exists no longer.
Because Taste of Africa believes in the idea of giving Africa ’Trade not Aid’, we continued to sell the Rwenzori coffee. In December 2007, we initiated a new support project with help from the Rwenzori Coffee Company. This project will support a pre-school school for previously disadvantaged children in South Africa, in our village Stanford's informal settlement. The school’s name is Funimfundo (in Xhosa it means ‘seeking knowledge’) and it has been running successfully since 2004. It is an initiative by an organisation called Food 4 Thought (a registered non-government organisation, www.f4t4kids.co.za ), aiming to give small children ages 3-6 a safe environment where they get education, nutritious food and play while their parents are working.During 4 years, Taste of Africa and the Rwenzori Coffee Company together donated 2 rands to this school for every packet of coffee sold. In December 2011 Rwenzori Coffee Company discontinued their support, unfortunately. But we continue to support the Funimfundo school. We visit them every year and help out by buying building supplies, correspodning to 1 rand per packet of coffee sold.
This has happened…
Since we first visited the pre-school in 2006, the outside environment really has improved. They have built a new jungle gym, planted trees and laid out small paths. Every day, teachers and children work together in their new vegetable garden, and the children eat their own veggies. In October 2007 we bought building material for an office for the teachers.
There’s a building next to Funiumfundo that is now used as a pre-school for very young children ( 0-3 years). These children now have an attractive and safe yard with a fench and toys where they can play.
In March 2011 the school got a new spacious classroom and three new toilets. We helped to buy building material for the ceiling and paint for the floor in the new classroom. Many of the parents helped to paint the walls inside.
We visited the school in February 2014 and bought material for their arts classes, powder paint, brushes and paper.